
Saturday, February 25, 2012


Fashion designers Daniel Cumbo and Jasmina Mili will have their work featured at the Utopia Laneway Festival in Collingwood. PIC: GLENN DANIELS

Fashion designers Daniel Cumbo and Jasmina Mili will have their work featured at the Utopia Laneway Festival in Collingwood. PIC: GLENN DANIELS

WHEN Kate Grealy visited Afghanistan in 2008 she knew she had to do something for the war-torn country’s refugees.

It was a year later, on her second trip back there, that she joined up with friends and members of a tribal group in Quetta (near the border of Pakistan) to plan out a full-scale program for a school, with medical treatment and proper meals available for primary age children.

Three years on, the school is a success, with strong involvement from the local Afghan community.

The local businessmen and community leaders work closely with Melburnians from Hope AFAR (A Future for Afghan Refugees), who have the equal passion and some resources to help young refugees in need.

“I’ve been back and other members of the group with Afghan backgrounds have been as well and it’s growing and growing, the demand can’t be met,” Grealy said.

Thus, with the need for more funds to further the growth of the school, Grealy has organised the Utopia Laneway Festival in Collingwood tomorrow (Sunday).

She hopes people will come and take part in the festivities and donate towards the cause.

“There are a lot of issues over there.

“Kids are freezing to death because it’s so cold at the moment,” Grealy said.

“It’s the second largest refugee capital in the world and children are exploited in dangerous trades.

“There is such an urgency and the issues (are) almost endless.

“It’s really important to come and have fun, but we’re hoping people contribute.”

Fourteen local and interstate DJs and sound artists will be playing throughout the day, including Tehachapi, High Tea, Wooshie, Rashid BB and DJ Wasabi.

Members of the local Afghan community in Fitzroy will be putting on food stalls for the event, with delicacies, including biryani, available on the day.

There will be an official After Party at Laundry Bar (50 Johnston St, Fitzroy).

Entry is $5 with all proceeds going to Hope AFAR.

The Utopia Laneway Festival will be held on February 26 from 12pm-9pm, corner of Gold and Johnston streets in Collingwood.

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